The Art of Unlearning and Why it is So Important

Today we want to share with you a special post:

The Art of Unlearning

To explain it in a simple way, we could say that unlearning is a way of keeping knowledge up to date, of banishing those skills that are no longer useful and making room for the new ones that will come.

However, to be honest, we have to admit that it is a process that goes beyond "cleaning" our mind, since it requires activating certain internal "mechanisms" and, honestly, it is not easy.

Today we invite you to learn more about this peculiar change management process and discover how you can start putting it into practice.

¿What does unlearning mean?

While the literal definition of "unlearning" has been the action of forgetting something that has been learned, in psychology this phenomenon is known as the conscious effort to abandon known patterns, convictions and the intellectual comfort zone to open up to new ways. to do things.

In other words, it consists of letting go of "this is how I do it" and holding on to the possibility that there are other ways to achieve the same or better results.

¿Why it is so important?

Changes and improvements of any kind and in any of the existing areas require a turning point in which the existing protocol is questioned and a way to modify it is sought.

It is not even something that is limited to individuals, we can also unlearn it, organizations also have to do it from time to time to make sure that the method of working they use is the most suitable.

Types of unlearning

Before diving into the complex process of unlearning, we would like to talk to you about the two types of unlearning that exist:

1. Reflective unlearning

With this type of unlearning we refer to the application of deep changes in the way of being of a person or in the identity pillars of an organization.

It is a process, or a series of processes, that requires a great effort and whose change, in order to be maintained over time, must occur after a complete analysis and firm decision-making.

2. Trivial unlearning

This unlearning is the one that occurs in the most superficial way and that seeks to review a specific aspect of our way of seeing and facing life or facing a specific business challenge.

Understanding the unlearn cycle

The unlearning cycle consists of three basic phases:

Analysis phase

The first phase of the unlearning process is perhaps the most complicated since it requires having a critical and evaluative eye that puts absolutely all our knowledge and processes under the magnifying glass.

To begin with, you must gather all the elements that characterize you: convictions, knowledge, beliefs, habits, and customs.

Qualifying round

Once the starting point is completed, it must be identified, classified, and determine which aspects are subject to modification.

You must bear in mind that not all the elements collected above will be valid and that to really establish a change it is essential that you reflect consciously and sincerely.

It may seem silly to you, but believe it or not, at this point you will have come a long way since you will have an awareness of yourself that you did not know before and it will be in your power. to change the aspects that can be improved.

Assimilation and change phase

The time has come to make decisions and establish a plan that will ensure that the change process really takes place.

For this, it is necessary to take care not only of unlearning but also of relearning, that is, updating our knowledge and paradigms to achieve improvements in our results.

None of this is easy. In fact, unlearning is often much more difficult than learning. But the good news is that many of the same practices, like mindfulness and curiosity, are great examples.

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