Simple Exercises to Learn to Concentrate Better

Today we want to share with you a special post:
Practical Exercises to Help you Improve Your Concentration
When we have a good concentration capacity, we can study or work more efficiently, in addition to allowing us to carry out activities in a more pleasant and relaxed way.
However, for most people, concentration requires an effort of will.
At certain times and for some people, concentration happens naturally and instantly.
Furthermore, we live in an age where stimuli are so many and so varied that we lose concentration very regularly.
Fortunately, there are a number of practical exercises that can help you improve your concentration capacity even further, and in this article, we will tell you all about them.
Change the structure of your working day a bit
Dividing your workday into manageable chunks, with regular breaks in between, has proven to be a great idea to help you improve your concentration.
A study was commissioned to review 5.5 million daily records of how office workers use their computers (based on what users identify as "productive" work), and the DeskTime team found that 10% of jobs The most productive of the workers had an average of 52 minutes, before breaks of 17 minutes.
If 52 minutes sounds like a marathon to you, start small with 20 minutes, five minutes, and build up.
2. Create a "don't do" list
Distractions are everywhere in our modern world of work. Researchers have found that it takes up to 25 minutes for you to regain concentration after being distracted.
An easy solution is to create a "don't do" list: whenever you feel the urge to check Facebook or Twitter or follow any other random thought that comes to mind, write it down.
Simply transferring that thought from your mind to paper allows you to stay focused on the task at hand.
3. Read long books slowly
According to a Pew Research Center survey, reading of online content has increased by nearly 40%. Yet 26% of Americans have not read a single book in the past year.
Reading only short content is killing our ability to focus and training our minds to look only for quick answers instead of exploring complex concepts. Start by researching proper ways to read a book, then pick a classic and give it a try.
4. Try these turn-of-the-century concentration exercises
Do not think that inattention is just a topic today. In the early 20th century, author Theron Q. Dumont published a book called The Power of Concentration, which outlined a number of practices for developing mindfulness. Here are a few:
- Stay still in a chair for 15 minutes
- Focus on slowly clenching and unclenching your fists for five minutes
- Follow the hand of a clock for five minutes
They might sound a little crazy, but you'd be surprised how hard these exercises are.
5. Pay more attention to your day
Mindfulness is having its moment, and everyone from director David Lynch to Huffington Post founder Arianna Huffington is practicing meditation on a daily basis.
And for good reason: Researchers at the University of Washington have shown that just 10 to 20 minutes of meditation a day can help you improve your focus and expand your attention.
Plus, you'll notice improvements in your attention span after just four days.
6. Add physical exercise to your mindfulness exercise routine
Exercise is not only good for your body, researchers have found that adding exercise to your routine helps build your brain's ability to ignore distractions.
In one study, students who got moderate exercise before taking a test that measured their attention span performed better than students who didn't exercise.
7. Practice attentive listening
If there's one place where our limited attention span is incredibly noticeable, it's when we're talking to other people.
Instead of changing notes during a conversation, practice listening carefully without interrupting, regularly restating what the other person has said, and using connecting words like "OK," "I get it," and "Yes" to stay engaged and show you're listening.
These skills not only help us appear to be kinder and more interesting people but also help us train our minds to focus on the person in front of us.
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