7 Psychological Secrets for Making Difficult Decisions

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How to make difficult decisions?

Can't make decisions? Do you have difficulty making a difficult decision? Discover how to make a decision based on psychology and learn to always choose the best of your options.

Decisions are not only part of our freedom and individuality, they also determine many aspects of our lives. So much so that, on many occasions, decision-making can change you completely.

For this reason, sometimes, confronting the opinions of others and connecting with what really produces well-being to make an important decision from there makes us feel insecure, generates doubts, and worries us in many ways.

Which is the best decision?

A good method to make the right decision is to ask yourself a series of questions about the choice you should make.

Therefore, we ask you some questions that can help you make decisions. This is how you can approach decision-making according to psychology:

1. Take awareness

How do you feel right now? How might your state affect your decision-making? Becoming aware of how connected you are with your emotions allows you to analyze if it is a good time or if you need something different to make the right decision.

2. Find your preferences

What things have made you feel good so far? Are they related in any way to the options you are considering? Our experiences are a very broad source of information about ourselves.

Knowing what made us feel good in the past can help us evaluate the options we have and, therefore, know how to make the ideal decision for us.

3. Visualize your fears

What fears arise when you think about making a decision? Have you felt them at other times in your life? Thinking about the fears that arise in us can give us clues to understand where we make decisions.

4. Forget the fear of being wrong

How do you relate to the mistake, what does it mean to you? Before making decisions, it is common for the fear of making a mistake to appear.

Analyzing and understanding what the possibility of failure implies for us can be of great help.

In this way, we will leave behind the fear of making the wrong decision and we will be able to better visualize all the advantages and disadvantages of each of the options.

5. Put other people aside

When you think about making decisions, does a person or character come to mind? How does your appearance affect your decision-making?

People internalize an image of themselves in contact with others, it is there where we learn who we are and what is expected of us.

For this reason, it is important to identify if there is any point of view that mainly affects us when making decisions, in order to do so with greater freedom. We cannot forget that our gaze is what matters most over that of others.

6. Visualize yourself before the loss

How do you feel about the loss? When we choose, each of the options that we value contributes something more or less valuable to us; Choosing always implies a renunciation of other alternatives.

One of the difficulties that we can find when making a decision is that we are ruling out other options and, therefore, the things that they can contribute to us.

7. Trust yourself

Do you consider yourself someone with common sense when deciding? Some people, from their life experiences and especially from their childhood, have an image of themselves as someone capable of making the right decisions;

Others, on the other hand, see themselves as someone without the ability to choose well, which leaves them insecure with the idea of having to decide. This idea of ourselves is fundamental when we are faced with making a decision.

There are many options on how to make the right decisions. But despite having different psychological methods to face decisions, the reality is that we must be well with our mental health to achieve the best for our lives.

Therefore, it is essential to go to a professional psychologist when we find ourselves in bad situations. Decisions are not good or bad in themselves, we are the ones who have the ability to transform them into the best options for us.

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